Stress Less

We all need to find our “happy place” sometimes. Whether that’s a real place or just a state of mind, the programs, tips and information below can help you find yours.

Verdant Programs

Falls Prevention Program

Behavioral Health Program

Program funded: February 2015 – February 2017

Coordinated by Community Health Center of Snohomish (CHC) and two behavioral health partners – Center for Human Services and Integrative Psychological and Social Services (iPASS) – this program links CHC patients to mental health support.

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Heath Access Program for Underserved Communities

Music Futures Therapy Program

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Tips & Info

Nutrition and dealing with stress

Feeling your stress levels increase with fall kicking in? Stress increases the hormone cortisol that can wreak havoc on your appetite leading to overeating and weight gain.

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6 ways to help an anxious child

No question it’s tough to keep our cool when our children are unraveling. It’s especially a challenge when our children are rattled and over-run with anxiety.

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10 tips to live a richer, happier life

This top 10 list covers items to boost performance to live a richer, happier life, but it also is a great list for living a healthier life. Happiness and health often go hand-in-hand, and that’s clear from this recent article.

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The Power of Meditation

Worry, anxiety, and stress can be more than distractions. Constantly replaying in your mind daily problems and fears can affect your mental and physical health.

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