Verdant News


To keep our residents and partners informed of our work, the Verdant Health Commission has both an electronic newsletter and a print newsletter. The print newsletter, called The Canopy, provides an update two times a year on the work of the commission and opportunities to participate in programs and events. Verdant’s monthly e-Newsletter, called Community Update, highlights the news, tips, events and featured programs posted on our website. Learn More

Press Releases



September 2016
August 2016
July 2016
June 2016
May 2016
April 2016
March 2016
February 2016
January 2016
December 2015

The Canopy

The Canopy Spring 2016
The Canopy Winter 2015-16
The Canopy Summer 2015
The Canopy Winter 2014
The Canopy Summer 2014
The Canopy Fall 2013
The Canopy Winter 2012