Mental Health Resources

People who would benefit from mental health services often don’t know where to turn, particularly if they are low-income or do not have medical insurance.

There are resources available in the community to help these individuals who are seeking support to make positive changes in their lives. These links will help people get started in the right direction.

Resources by Phone

24-hour Care Crisis Response Services operated by Volunteers of America Western Washington responds to people and their family members in crisis and emergency situations 24 hours per day, 365 days per year:

Access Line, operated by Volunteers of America Western Washington, can put you in touch with community mental health services in the region:

Free or Low-Cost Mental Health Options

Center for Human Services – Teen Counseling Program / Verdant Health Commission program

Community Health Center of Snohomish County has behavioral health specialists who can assist in managing adult behavioral health problems.

Compass Health offers mental health and chemical dependency services.

Sea Mar services include medical, dental and behavioral health clinics and a variety of nutritional, social and educational services.

Snohomish County Medical Society maintains a list of help lines, outpatient and inpatient treatment centers in Snohomish County.

YWCA Mental Health Counseling / Verdant Health Commission program